Oblivion Weapon Texture Mod


This video clip shows off The Folk Scrolls IV: Oblivion's i9000 graphical abilities with mods. Somé of the almost all notables adjustments are an ENB ánd HD textures. Whén I'm not recording I get around 60-70 fps, but while recording I obtain 40-60. I've got my Oblivion to look near to, or probably even better than (vanilla) Skyrim.

Weapon and Apparel HD Retextures? - posted in Oblivion Mod Requests: Title says all. It kind of annoys me how Skyrim managed to get weapon and apparel retexture mods a couple months after the games release, yet there are none (at least none that I can find) for Oblivion. I just want more detailed weapon and armors.

Page 1 of 2 - RHIronSights problem - posted in Fallout 3 Mod Troubleshooting: I got a problem with the intallation of the RHIronSights mod by Roguehallow. Everytime it is active, my 10mm pistol is just white and don't got a texture.Also the iron sight doesn't work. When I tried it no other mods where activated. Fallout 3 iron sights mod not working on pc.

Elder Scrolls Oblivion - Weapons Browse through our selection of Weapons for the Oblivion game on the PC. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Overload's ModPack v4.0. The objective of this ModPack is to give users a package that includes all of the mods that I think are very nice to have for every user.
