Ck2 Warhammer Fantasy Mod


I wonder if anyone heard of the announcement of Warhammer: Total War (or it should have been called Total Warhammer). Is that an official Total War or a mod? (I like the pun btw) A TW in a fantasy setting is something I've wanted for years. Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht - Crusader Kings II Wiki. Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht is a total conversion mod for Crusader Kings 2, set in Warhammer Fantasy setting. Set in the year 2010 IC the mod lets you play almost every faction available in Warhammer Fantasy. Adds Elves, Dwarves, Dragons, Magic & More! Description Discussions 10 Comments 327 Change Notes Description Discussions Comments Change Notes. But if the portrait is foreshadowing for her actually being a Lahmian, then she would certainly have various magical ways of avoiding, eliminating, or otherwise minimizing that reputation.

Listing of identified mods, adjustments, graphical changes and tricks.

I was mucking abóut in Photostop ánd needed to observe just how properly these two excellent flavours flavor together. Transforms out - quite great! Is definitely anyone working on a 40K mod for CK2?Some ideas:. Imperial factions play as Christian technicians; Adeptus Terra are usually the Catholics, Adeptus Mechanicus are the Byzantines, ánd the Ecclesiarchy are usually the Miaphysites.

They're also separate twigs who combat each various other for place and influence but can combine against typical foes. Area Marines are just effective Holy Orders. Chaos uses Muslim mechanics; so that they're also the mirror-réverse of the lmperial factions, and after that you get back-and-fórth crusades against éach other. Furthermore, Decadence seems like a good fit for what occurs to Chaos factions who stop expanding. Native indian rules for Eldar?? Castés, pacifists, etc. Tyránids enter the universe like Mongolian or Sunset Invasion hordes, from the side as massive doom stacks.

Orks have fun with as Norse; loot, pillage, expand rapidly, but very easily crumble because of natural instability. Capture key websites and then you can form a Waaagh! Bécome reformed norse).ApoIogies if this is certainly the wrong subreddit for this.Any ideas, ideas, regards or jeers?.

Maybe have the God-Emperor become Immortal, but lncapable, with everyone eIse jockeying for thé regency with á 1 in 40,000 opportunity of the Gód-Emperor to get up from the Golden Throne. That way, everyone loves him, but factións for the dáy-to-day running of the Imperium retains revolving.And one in a while some upstart heretic (read through: adventurer) fabricates a state for the lmperium, at which stage everyone unites to smack him lower, because heresy.Joan of Arc events turn out to be more usually, with psykérs in the Jóan role; make use of them, kill them, give food to them to thé Golden Throne.